Extended Migration Profile - Republic of Moldova
By Ghenadie Cretu,
Friday, March 22, 2013
The Extended Migration Profile
(EMP) of the Republic of Moldova is the result of intense work of a team of
independent experts, Moldovan Government officials as well as IOM experts, both
in Chisinau and Vienna, as well as the International Labour Organization.
European Union institutions provided financial and moral support. The present
EMP Report is a country-owned tool to be used to enhance policy coherence,
evidence-based policy-making and the mainstreaming of migration into development
This analytical report is part
of a complex exercise that will help to improve the data collection and sharing,
promote greater coherence and a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to
policy development related to migration.
The work will continue with regular independent production of the Report by the Government of Moldova, specifically under the coordination of the Bureau for Migration and Asylum of the Ministry of Interior, jointly with the Technical Working Group members. IOM, together with the UNCT partners will provide all the support needed to build further the capacity of the national institutions for an efficient migration data collection, exchange and analysis for better strategic development policy making.
You can
read or download the report by clicking http://seehrhobs.blogspot.dk/
This is a good common sense Blog. Very helpful to one who is just finding the resources about this part. It will certainly help educate me.
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